White Paper proposes “one umbrella trust” for Greater Sydney Parklands.

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A White Paper, proposing to legislate Greater Sydney Parklands (which for almost a year has been operating as a departmental arrangement only), was released on Monday for public comment. The Paper states that the existing “legislative complexity generates unnecessary costs”.

The White Paper proposes “one umbrella trust”, and to "retain the existing trusts and Acts”. It would establish “community trustee boards”, which appear to be like community advisory committees with no real power. It presumes the existing parkland trusts need “sustainable funding streams” and that this is best achieved by an overarching self-funding Trust. However, there appears to be nothing in existing legislation that requires existing park trusts to self-fund.

The Alliance is unsatisfied with the vagueness of the White Paper and the model of a super-trust to govern all Sydney’s significant parklands, because it places too much power and too many functions in the hands of a single board. Our significant parklands should have their own dedicated boards and funding. This was the case before the establishment of Greater Sydney Parklands agency last year, when the same eight trustees were appointed to all the independent boards.

The Alliance will be analysing the White Paper and will publish its findings soon. The closing date for submissions is Monday 5 July 2021.

For more information see the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s web page >


Marta Sengers

Highly experienced in business management and media production. See LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marta-sengers-5218024/


Sydney’s parklands are public gems, not real estate to turn a dollar.


White Paper “short on detail on solutions for realising extra revenue.”